Monthly Archives: March 2018

Inspiration – March 2018


I have an opinion and many may not like it, some may even feel offended by it, but I need to get it off my chest. You can’t call me an inspiration, just for the sake of saying something in reaction to my unfortunate condition.  I’m of the opinion, that feeling inspired will move you to ACT.

An example:  I have a friend who gets up at five in the morning to jog and she once told me that whenever she feels too lazy to get up, she just thinks of me who cannot even walk and then she gets up and puts on her running shoes.  She is inspired to run and look after health.

Another example:  A friend’s young daughter was complaining about something trivial and she referred to me as an example of rising above one’s circumstances.  She is inspiring her child to be positive.

Think next time when you say to someone “you are such an inspiration”.  Inspiration for what?  If that inspiration that you so casually mention, does not move you to some sort of action, a new way of thinking or something that will improve your life, it is just another word.  It’s no inspiration at all.